What is colour walking?
Colour walking is a walking meditation and a mindfulness practice with a focus on colour. It’s a great practice to move the body and reset the mind.
Simply put, colour walking is like a nature scavenger hunt and can help to bring mindfulness to an ordinary stroll through the neighbourhood. The idea is to pick a colour (or the rainbow if you’re like Clara!) and to focus on that colour during the walk.
This is a really easy way to give yourself some headspace and I often find the connection to nature to be invigorating. The beauty of colour walking is that you can go on a colour walk anytime of the year!
The colour walking practice
- Take time out to go for a walk
- Pay attention with gentle awareness to your breathing, deep abdominal breathing is most helpful
- Pay attention with gentle awareness to the colours around you, noticing the nuances, variations, blending, combinations, and contrasts, without judgment, simply noticing the colours that make up your environment
- Keep a non-judgmental stance toward yourself for your attention getting side-tracked; when you become aware of this, gently bring your focus back to your breathing and the colours
- Be in the present moment
Below is a collection of photos from my recent colour walk where I focused on the colour orange!